Behavior Management


In my classroom it is important for students to treat teachers, classmates, and others with respect. This will be a constant theme in my classroom. Below you will find the behavior system that we will use to begin the year. Throughout the school year the system may change. I will keep you informed of any changes. I believe that a behavior management system should have positive and negative consequences. There will be many positive incentives in place this school year.

Green/Yellow/ Orange

Each day when the students arrive in my room their clips will be on green. Each color will have a consequence.  Green- Students will begin on green. As long as they follow the school rules they will remain on green. All those that are on green at the end of their time in my room, will write their name on the BINGO Chart (see below). Yellow- If the student breaks the rules he or she will receive a verbal warning. If I have to address the issue again they will be moved to yellow. They will not write their name on the BINGO Chart that day. Orange-If the student continues to make the wrong choices; he or she will be moved to orange. At this time the student will fill out an “Action Plan” where they will write about the rules that they broke and how they plan on improving their behavior. It will be sent home for you to sign and I will be calling you that evening.

Bingo Chart: This is an individual positive behavior incentive. During their time with me, I look for ways to recognize when students are doing what is expected. If I "catch" them showing the correct behavior, I might have them write their name on the Bingo Chart. Each day that they stay on green, they will write their name on the chart. On Friday's, we have a drawing and if they are on the chart, then they have a chance to win candy or a No Homework pass.

Earn and Return Card- The students have a personal card that they keep at their desks. They get a hole punch in the card for various things that they do in the classroom. An example is that they get a punch when they have their homework every day that week. After they accumulate 10 punches, they earn a positive incentive.